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ConnectingYouNow is trusted by
One platform, four powerful solutions
Centralised, secure, searchable,
AI hub for an enterprise's data
Empathetic and intuitive user interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and engage
Powerful data insights and analytics capabilities to uncover valuable patterns, trends and correlations
Responsible and accurate AI
Designed with empathy
The internet is for everyone. Our values are rooted in fairness,
and our product and team live that purpose.
Every decision we make, starts with inclusion at its core. Accessibility is at the heart of everything we do, not an after thought.
CYN Access is WCAG 2.2 AA compliant.
Data Safety
Governments are amongst the most trusted when it comes to protecting data.
We have gained approval through their rigorous protocols to process their citizen's data
Responsible AI
We ensure our AI is not biased and take active steps to ensure that we train using data sets that are outside of what others consider normal.
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